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Most people know their zodiac sign; the sign the sun was in at birth. And the vast majority also know at least some of the most common (and sometimes somewhat condemning) descriptions of the various signs. "Well, you're a Scorpio? Huh, so you must be the jealous type" or "Taurus? Well, they're stubborn." The Water Bearer (also called Aquarius) doesn't like being boxed in - but aren't they a little weird too, or do they just want to do things their own way? There may be truth in the fixed "personality types", but the reality is somewhat more complicated. A zodiac sign has many nuances and expressions. And not only  that, you are not only your zodiac sign! A horoscope actually contains all 12 signs, however planets and aspects show how and to what degree they unfold. 


A horoscope contains many elements and can quickly become too complex. But if you know your sun sign (zodiac sign), your ascendant and your moon sign, you have already come a long way.

But do you even know your ascendant? The ascendant depends on the exact time and place of birth and is the term for the "rising sign", i.e. the point in our solar system that is due east at the exact moment of birth. The eastern horizon naturally changes depending on where on earth you are. This is the explanation why it is important to know the time of birth. But as you know, the earth also rotates once around itself in one day - while the zodiac signs (ecliptic) stay where they are! This means that the ascendant moves through all signs in a day.


The Ascendant is your outward person and is other people's first impression of you. It is our "expression" and style, the way we carry ourselves, our facial expressions and gesticulations. The ascendant is expressed in the meeting with the outside world. If your sun sign and your ascendant are very different, it is therefore not uncommon for people who don't know you very well to see your ascendant first. However, the Ascendant is more than your "facade". It says a lot about how you navigate through life and what "filter" you see the world through. The planet that rules your ascendant sign also says something about the type of activities you develop through.


The ascendant, like the sun, is absolutely central to being able to read a horoscope. If you know your exact time and place of birth, you can easily calculate it online - you can, for example, google "calculate ascendant", or, where you can both see and save your horoscope and get more basic information completely free of charge.


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When Saturn - the teacher - is retrograde


Saturn has a reputation for being a hard teacher, and if you've been through your first, or perhaps your second, Saturn round (at around 29 and 58 respectively), it's probably also something you can nod in recognition of. But Saturn's mission is to show you where you have to take responsibility - and is fair as long as you take it.


When Saturn is retrograde, it's time to really take the lesson to heart. It's not about status or about going a little harder, biting the sour apple and pulling yourself together. At least not necessarily. It's about you taking responsibility for your life. For the situation you are in. Karmic events and encounters with other people are very typical during Saturn retrograde. They can give you a needed boost; an insight that gets you off the hamster wheel, something unproductive or irresponsible - and moves you on to something more meaningful. It can be a painful process, but it doesn't have to be. It depends on your point of view. Perhaps you had already seen it coming, perhaps what is happening is purely a liberation. 


On a more societal level, the conflict/strike at SAS is a classic example of Saturn retrograde, here during the current Saturn retrograde. Saturn is also called Chronos, which means time. Saturn can cause massive delays in traffic - and at the same time is about responsibility and what is fair.


The effect of retrograde Saturn is greatest when it is stationary, i.e. right up to and just after it goes retrograde. 


The retrograde period itself lasts approx. 4 1/2 months and takes place approx. once a year. So it is not a rare influence, but nevertheless very instructive. It can be about big or small things. But if you listen to your teacher, you will be thankful in the end when Saturn goes direct again.

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